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Patrol Your Hosts

Host Patrol is a command-line tool and a Web interface for collecting and consolidating information about your hosts via SSH.

Web UI Screenshot (with Mock Data)
Who is it for?
Host Patrol is for sysadmins and devops who manage hosts on the cloud and/or their own infrastructure to build a registry of such hosts, keep track of server access and services, and yet, need a simple and free solution.
What does it do?
Host Patrol collects information about your hosts through SSH and compiles the report into a JSON file. It also offers a hosted and privacy-preserving Web-based tool for conveniently rendering this report in your browser.
How does it work?
You install the Host Patrol command-line tool on your local machine, (optionally) prepare a configuration file, and run the tool to generate the report as a JSON file containing information about your hosts.
How does it collect the information?
Host Patrol issues simple and safe POSIX-shell commands to your remote hosts and compiles the output into a JSON file. To achieve this, it uses your vanilla `ssh` program.
What is the status of the project?
This project is still in its early stages. Consider starring it and creating issues on GitHub to help support its development. It can get only better with your feedback.
How can you contribute?
This project is built using Haskell, Shell scripts, Nix and Typescript. It is licensed under the MIT license. Contributions are welcome through issues or pull requests on GitHub.